Panzer IV’s from Unimodel and The Plastic Soldier Company in 1/72 Scale

I had a last two Panzer IV kits hanging around so finally got them finished! I had picked up a reinforcement from PSC which is a good way to buy single vehicles rather than buying a box of three. It helps with hoarders like me who do not need an excuse to buy way too many kits. I am sure we are all similar beasts when it comes to having overflowing, abundant supplies of unmade stuff. The PSC Panzer IV is, like all PSC kits, quick and easy to put together. Detail is pretty chunky and it builds into a very solid tank model, perfect for manhandling around the wargames table. The side skirts are a bit thick, and I did toy with the idea of making my own thinner replacements. Then I changed my mind. The hull and turret MGs are also a bit crappy, and I should have replaced them but laziness and fast reduction of abovementioned hoard was more the priority. I did add an aerial and switched out the supplied commander for an AB Figures commander as is my preference.

The Unimodel kit is much more involved. Lots of parts and heaps of fine detail. It takes quite a number of hours to complete compared to the PSC kit, but I do enjoy the challenge of Unimodel kits. They never disappoint. Trickiest bits include the link and length track and the photo etched side skirts, especially the armour on the turret. I made a super glue PE balls up with some of the supports on the turret and had to make new ones out of plastic card. Patience is a must. I did add some extra track on the front and an aerial.

Paint jobs on both tanks was a dark yellow base with hand painted camo in red brown and dark green. I respray over the top with a light covering of more dark yellow, which helps blend it all together. I used a dark brown wash and did some black and brown chipping with a sponge. Also went over all the metal bits with a soft pencil. Finito. No more Panzer IVs required. I took a picture of the whole lot which includes Armourfast, Dragon, Zvezda, Esci and now these two.


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